Resources from presenters
TERM 4 2022 Teacher's Professional Learning Event
Tania Lattanzio - Transdisciplinarity and What is worth learning?
On a beautiful day at Milano's Brighton Beach Hotel, Tania Lattanzio led us through a workshop exploring Transdisciplinarity and what is worth learning?
For more information, resources and our shared thinking, have a look at the Padlet.
For a link to the Padlet click here
TERM 3 2022 Network Heads and Coordinators Conference
Melbourne Museum
We were really lucky to have the opportunity to visit Melbourne Museum and meet some of their fabulous staff. We learned about Learning in Museums, Visited the Triceratops exhibit, had an expert talk from Senior Curator Rebecca Carland. In the afternoon we had the opportunity to visit the museum exhibits and view them through a lens of Transdisciplinarity.
The slides from the presentation are here
Bek Bates can be contacted rbates@museum.vic.gov.au
Monash Children's Hospital School
Colin shared some of the wonderful initiatives of the Monash Children's Hospital School. His presentation contained some useful links that may support schools. Colin has kindly shared his presentation with the network for use for members to access the resources contained within.
Mind, Brain and Education
Jared presented at our August 2018 conference. He kindly shared his powerpoint presentations from the day and gave his permission from them to be shared here in PDF format.
Here is Jared's website The Science of Learning
1) Foundations of Thinking & Learning (How does the brain work to make sense of reality and how does this impact students, teachers, and schools?)
Part 1 Presentation here
2) The Learning Trajectory: From Shallow to Deep to Transfer (How do human beings take in, personalize, and apply new concepts?)
Part 2 Presentation here
3) PEN Principles (12 Key Principles of How Humans Learn - Participants will consider how to apply to classroom situations)
Part 3 Presentation here
In the afternoon session Jared began talking about the PEN principles he has been developing. Below are short Youtube clips that explain each of the 12 principles as he was only able to cover 2 on the day. They would make a great resource for staff professional learning
PEN PRINCIPLE 1 Written text and spoken word don't mix
PEN PRINCIPLE 2 Visual images and spoken word mix well
PEN PRINCIPLE 3 Spacial predictability guides attention
PEN PRINCIPLE 4 Spacing-out practice enhances memory
PEN PRINCIPLE 5 Leverage context according to outcome
PEN PRINCIPLE 6 Multitasking impairs memory and learning
PEN PRINCIPLE 7 Mix-up practice tasks to boost performance
PEN PRINCIPLE 8 Embrace error to improve learning
PEN PRINCIPLE 9 Active recall trumps passive review
PEN PRINCIPLE 10 Frist impressions colour future judegement
PEN PRINCIPLE 11 Find the story behind the fact
PEN PRINCIPLE 12 Pre-activate strategies to guide learning